Power to the people: Get feedback on your CV from a community of Senior Software Engineers

Are you tired of applying to jobs and not getting any feedback? Join our BETA and get detailed, community-sourced feedback on your CV to improve your chances of landing your next job in Tech.

Get community sourced feedback from devs working with the latest web and data stacks

Get the Feedback You Need

Get Feedback from Tech Experts

Join us and receive valuable feedback on your CV from industry professionals. Improve your chances of landing your dream job by getting specific feedback on sections of your CV and understanding if you meet the requirements for a specific job description. Help others by providing your own expertise and contribute to Tech's job seeking community.

Connect with Senior level Techies

Get feedback on your CV from Senior Engineers, Product Managers and Data Leaders.  

Contribute Your Expertise to Help Others

Expand your professional network and give back to the community by providing your advise

Network with  companies & Hiring Managers

Work side by side with hiring managers and help them source their next team

We are joined by software developers and data analysts who've worked at


Find answers to common questions about our service, submitting CVs, and feedback expectations.

How do I submit my CV?

To submit your CV, simply create an account and follow the instructions on our platform. You can upload your CV and provide relevant details about the role you are applying for.

What kind of feedback can I expect?

You can expect community-sourced feedback on different sections of your CV, including whether you meet the requirements for the role you are applying for and suggestions for improvement. For example, If you are a software developer with 3 years experience you will receive feedback from Senior engineers. You can optionally share the specific job you are applying for and get feedback from past/current employees!

How often can I contribute feedback?

As a member of our community, you will receive CVs from other job seekers based on your level, past experience, and skills. You can provide feedback on these CVs daily, helping fellow job seekers improve their chances of landing their desired roles.

Can I receive feedback anonymously?

Absolutely! Our platform encourages open interaction and knowledge sharing. However, when you decide to share your CV feedback, your personal details will be deducted. Those providing feedback, won't know your name, email or location.

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